NIPNET Conference 2024

Copenhagen 19th & 20th September

About the conference

Date: September 19th and 20th 2024

Theme: Education for Sustainable Development

Place: The conference take place at Campus Nørrebro Sigurdsgade 26, 2200, Copenhagen N, (Nørrebro).  The Conference dinner is served at Restaurant Sult at Cinemateket, Vognmagergade 8B, 1120 Copenhagen K.

Time: The conference starts at 12.00 p.m. September 19th 2024 and ends at 1 p.m. on September 20, 2024


The conference fee + conference dinner is in total 1,500 DKKR. Registration is binding.

The deadline for registration is August 19th, 2024

Sign up for the conference here  


The programme for the conference is finalized

You can download the programme here


The board have now selected the abstracts that will be presented at the conference.

You can download the abstract-book here and read more about the selected abstracts


If you have any questions in regards to the conference, please contact Nick Hoff Hansen by email to

In the video below, you can hear our chairman and board member of NIPNET elaborate on the programme and what you can expect if you want to participate in the conference.

Keynote Speaker: Lynne Sinclair

Nipnet proudly presents Lynne Sinclair as the distinguished Keynote Speaker for the Nipnet Conference 2024 in Copenhagen.

About Lynne Sinclair: She is a Physiotherapist and the Senior Consultant: Partnerships & Innovation at the Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education (CACHE), University of Toronto/University Health Network, Canada.

Keynote Address: Lynne will address the overarching theme for the conference through this engaging and interactive address:

Collaborating Across Education and Practice: How to Sustain and Grow Interprofessional Learning for the Future – Drawing from her extensive experience, Lynne will share insights gained over more than twenty years of sustaining and expanding interprofessional learning across education and practice sites. What should we do in the future to strengthen interprofessional competences both in education and practice?

More about Lynne: She holds an Assistant Professor appointment with the Department of Physical Therapy, Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto (UT).

Lynne was one of the founding leaders that helped create the UT Centre for IPE in 2009 and one of the original faculty developers of the ehpic™ (Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care) program in 2005.

She is passionate about supporting leaders and teams at the interface between practice and education. As the former Director of Education at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Lynne championed integrated care across twelve health disciplines. She has wide expertise and publications in quality improvement, patient safety, intersectoral communication, and team-based practice.

Lynne has been honoured with multiple awards for teaching and health care education excellence and in 2017, she was appointed an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia. Lynne is widely invited as a keynote speaker for educational events and in 2018, Lynne joined the Board of Directors of the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC).

Hear Lynne elaborate on her speech and learn more about what she is looking forward to, when she visits the conference in September

Interprofessional Education and Collaboration for Sustainable Development

Sustainability is understood in a very broad sense, the following quotes serve as inspiration in relation to the theme for the Nordic Interprofessional Network conference 2024:

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has to be understood as an integral part of quality education… What ESD requires is a shift from teaching to learning. It asks for action-oriented, transformative pedagogy, which supports self-directed learning, participation, and collaboration, problem-oriented, inter- and transdisciplinary and the linking of formal and informal learning”(Unesco, 2017:7 Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives – UNESCO Digital Library).

AMEE Consensus Statement defines Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in relation to healthcare: “We define education for sustainable healthcare as the process of equipping current and future health professionals with the knowledge, values, confidence and capacity to provide environmentally sustainable services through health professions education” (Shaw et al., 2021, AMEE Consensus Statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare).

The conference encourages everyone, educators, practitioners, researchers, administrators, and students to participate. Abstracts at all levels of interprofessional perspectives are accepted. The abstracts can be based on research and/or practical solutions and should support training in interprofessional collaborative practice or team-based activities, for the current health, social care, and pedagogical workforce.

The Capital Region of Denmark and University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole) is hosting the NIPNET-conference 2024, in collaboration with the Danish Society of Interprofessional Learning and Collaboration (Dansk Selskab for Interprofessionel Læring og Samarbejde).